Moving to cleanly installed High Sierra
As there was a mechanical trouble in my main machine, MacBookPro, I am moving to new MacBookPro with cleanly installed High Sierra (10.13.6). Below is a log for my future replication...
First of all, default shell was changed with chsh
command to /bin/zsh
After installing Homebrew, coreutils
was firstly introduced.
% brew install -v coreutils
was changed to use commands instroduced.
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export MANPATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnuman:$MANPATH"
Several tools were introduced with brew commands below.
% brew install -v gnu-tar --with-default-names
% brew install -v grep --with-default-names
% brew install -v findutils --with-default-names
% brew install -v rsync
% brew install -v pigz
% brew install -v less
% brew install -v pbzip2
% brew install -v byobu
% brew install -v lftp
Before using pip
with python
, Anaconda(miniconda) was introduced to separately install them.
In order to use csvlook
, csvkit
was installed via pip
% pip install csvkit
% pip install pelican Markdown
% pip install ghp-import