
Joined SPARQLthon held at DBCLS Kashiwa. This was 68th SPARQLthon.

Updated version of AOE, which use Apache Solr as a back-end, officially released on this week, and we checked the web interface of AOE. It tentatively includes meta-data from NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), which was taken from SRA/BioProject/BioSample metadata.

In addition, we discussed the development of DBCLS SRA and AOE this fiscal year so that the specification was fixed after the INSDC meeting at NCBI held this month.

Direct acquisition of original GEO data is planned to enrich meta-data in AOE, but not yet implemented as some coding for that acquisition is needed.

Documentation for AOE was updated for the latest version.

Written by bonohu in DBCLS on 金 25 5月 2018.