uniq -c option
When I want to count the number of redundant words in a file (hoge.txt
), I have used simple Perl code like this(count.pl
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | #!/usr/bin/perl
while(<>) {
my($word) = split;
foreach (sort keys %num) {
print "$_\t$num{$_}\n";
In order to count the number of redundancy in the list, I often run this script with shell command like below.
cat hoge.txt \
| perl count.pl \
| sort -rn
This operation can be relaced with a simple shell command like below.
uniq -c hoge.txt \
| sort -rn
has been very familiar command, but I have not realized the option -c
The UNIX world is very deep indeed!